Mains 2020 New Pattern

The book is a Complete Guide to help students learn the art of essay writing through More than 60 Essays covering the panoramic view of topics on Contemporary, Social, Environmental, Political, Education, Economic, Science and Technology, International, Personalities, Proverbial and Idiomatic, Sports and Many More The Book starts with a focus on developing the craft of essay writing which needs detailed knowledge of the topic, discipline of mind, analytical skills to draw a conclusion, rich vocabulary to express the thoughts, grammatical accuracy and coherence of thoughts and ideas for contextual writing.

Economic Development, – is specially written for mppsc and civil service mains exam , book is design and written by experienced subject expert of kothari institute it is a leading textbook in this field – provides students with a complete and balanced introduction to the requisite theory, driving policy issues and latest research. presenting economic theory in the context of critical policy debates and country-specific case studies, to see how theory relates to the problems and prospects of developing countries Features• Teaches economic development within the context of country-specific examples

Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude: For Civil Services Examination is a hugely popular authoritative and comprehensive text on the subject. With regular revision and updates over the past years, the book has become indispensable for civil service aspirants both at the UPSC and State Level exams. This revised edition comes with exciting and unmatched features that would reinforce students’ preparation strategy and their level of confidence in tackling this paper.

Incorporating detailed information supported by up-to-date facts and figures, our entirely exam oriented books, This book on IAS Mains General Studies Paper 1 has been revised again to improvise the preparation of IAS Mains 2019 Exam. The complete coverage of each topic of the syllabus is divided into 5 Units including world history , History from ancient to modern times, Indian Art, culture, literature, music, and festival of all times, various phenomenon of Indian and World Geography along with several important issues of society, with special focus on women.

Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations (General Studies II) is a comprehensive book designed for the aspirants of Civil Services and mppsc Main Examination. Mapped to the UPSC syllabus, the text covers Indian Constitution and its structure; the Parliament and legislatures; executive and judiciary; pressure groups and constitutional and regulatory bodies; government policies and flagship schemes of development; governance and role of civil society, India and its foreign relations and international organizations and agencies etc. The content is divided into five sections based on the notified syllabus. Each section has a bouquet of chapters that deals with specific sub-topics treated exclusively for detailed understanding of the subject matter. Each chapter contains various pedagogical features such as Learning Objectives at the beginning and Question Prompts at the end. It is a ready reference book for those requiring to hone their analytical skills as per the format of the examination.

Data interpretation remains one of the most important yet often overlooked aspects of gs 3rd paper of mppsc mains .This book ‘ Reasoning , Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency’ aims at guiding the aspirants of competitive examinations through all the basic as well as troubled areas of data interpretation and sufficiency and help to crack every type of problems with relative ease.

This book on Science and Technology is meant for students preparing for Main papers of the Civil Service Examinations. It covers all aspects of Science and Technology from basic to advanced level making it easier for students from non-science background to comprehend and retain. Keeping in line with the trend of the examination, there is great focus on Science and Technology and the recent developments and the related government schemes. Also there is emphasis on all international issues with respect to various sectors like Energy, Space, Defence, IPR, Particle Physics, Material Technology, Biotechnology and so on. This book thus delves into this important aspect of the examination in detail, providing aspirants with a ready made amalgamation of basic concepts intertwined with current developments in the various fields to equip them for the examination.

comprehensive book written on the various social issues prevailing in India. While, the book is useful for the aspirants of the Civil Services and various State Services mains examinations, .
The book is strongly rooted in empirical work of social scientists. Most essays in this book derive guidance from sociological thought, psychological findings, and economic theories. Each social issue is discussed from an academic perspective, and causal factors are based on research findings.